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In the US you have the best men like Amazon, Google, Apple, and Facebook dominating the technology market, making it harder and harder to stand out if you have something special. Today’s organizations need to believe globally and build a more diverse base than companies have before. For Bigtincan, Australia was a good place to start, but the admittance into the US market has really allowed us to develop. During this process, you quickly realize the cultural variations in another country.
Not only do that present a challenge but learning the nuances of the different regions in America (Southern hospitality vs. This eventually helped us create what locations made sense to house the various groups – sales, marketing, engineers – and determine the location of our U.S. Without doubt moving Bigtincan from Australia to the United States was the right move to make for us.
It was a wonderful experience to undergo and allowed Bigtincan to reach your goals. Since 2013 the company has seen consistent 45 percent year-over-year growth, which wouldn’t normally have been possible if we’d not relocated into a bigger market. A lot of smaller companies and startups don’t make it because they neglect to fight in the best markets, where there are more opportunities.
The only way to determine whether an organization fails or succeeds is to have two feet in right from the beginning. Our goal was not just to move to the United States, but truly become a U.S. based startup. Given that 98% of our revenue now comes from U.S.
But it is better than that. NWS research dollars could then help support global model research efforts that benefit both operational and research areas. Nonetheless it is even better than that. A regional version of MPAS can be created and finally replace the current regional model favored by the academic community, WRF, that was developed at NCAR also.
So there is the prospect of a national UNIFIED modeling system that could concentrate US weather modeling initiatives, producing even more rapid advancement. In contrast, the less innovative FV-3 model originated by a small group in NOAA/GFDL with little experience in outreach and interaction with the university/research community. You’ll think the global decision is apparent and only MPAS, but there are powerful voices inside NOAA that are pushing for an in-house solution.